Position 20 11.5N 40 57.7W
Distance to Go: 1203 miles
All is well. Breaking news: "Leopard of Finland"
finished today smashing the course record by 2 days, finishing in 8 days 14
hours. Quite impressive. Onboard "Maravilha" we continue to push
along. Had a good day yesterday, 179 miles in 24 hours. We expected to cross
the 1000 mile mark on Friday but now it looks as though that may happen
tomorrow. Weather conditions have been very stable and consistent. Winds in the
15 -20 kt range…abit lighter during the day and a bit stronger at night. We are
now experiencing fewer squalls then just a few days ago which is nice. At
present there are two boats in sight with several others on AIS. No new fish to
report. The wind direction has been veering from east to southeast so we keep
adjusting from a broad reach to a down wind wing/wing run. It is expected to
back to the northeast in the coming days with similar velocities. Aside from
the dailly chores and maintenance not too much more to report. When not on
watch time is occupied by reading, watching movies, staring endlessly into the
vast blue horizon and thinking of all sorts of things, etc. I'm well into my
second book (Christianity - an illustrated history by Time Life Books), very
Dinner last night was Lasagna with steamed zuchinni….very
nice. Looks like the Mahi-Mahi is on the menu for tonight!
Until tomorrow
Sounds like my life here at home without the need to wake up (except for a pee break) for a four hour watch.