Monday, December 1, 2014

Day 7, December 1, 2014

Position   22 41.17N     35 03.36W

Distance to Finish:  1559 miles

All is well. The wind shifted due East so we ran a bit North of the rhumb line thru the night. At dawn we jibed over and are now running downwind along the rhumb line in 15kts of wind. The skies are clear and it getting warmer (78 degrees). Another day of solid progress. We expect to cross the half way point tomorrow morning….YAHOO! We can soon begin to count down days in single digits. Some lighter winds are expected the next two days so we will try to position ourselves over the next 24 hours to in the stronger wind bands….we'll see how that goes. Everything aboard is good…the mustache contest is progressing well.

Dinner last night was spaghetti and meatballs with grape tomato and cucumber salid….very nice.

No new fish catches to report….except for a little fishing prank. While Ryan and Rui were down below doing dishes, Brad and I pulled in the lore and hooked on a pair of sandles and underwear and let the line back out. When it set it popped the baloon and we yelled "fish on". Out came Rui and Ryan to tend the line. Comments like: "oh it’s a big one"…as it got closer…"maybe a Tuna"….as it got even closer…."jee, this is different"…."Oh look it's someones shoes"….Imagine that!  Yes I have it on film…very…very funny. Hey there's not a lot to do out here!

Until tomorrow


1 comment:

  1. Ah ! Just like the good old Grady White fishing expeditions still catching crap. I guess once an environmental fisherman always an environmental fisherman
