Thursday, November 20, 2014

Collegio Hispano Ingles De Las Palmas
10th grade students

We had a nice visit today from some 10th grade students from the Collegio Hispano Inlges de Las Palmas (a private high school where the students are immersed in English...imagine that!). They were around the docks interviewing crews for a class project and they stopped and chatted with us for a while. While they had a script, it didn't take long to get off script as they had many questions about life in America. There are 25 countries represented in the entries in this rally, however, relatively few U.S. they stayed for a while. Most of their questions regarding music etc. were over my head but we had a very interesting conversation none the less. They came aboard and got a full tour of our preparations for the crossing. Before parting we shared some Oreo Cookies....much to their delight and ours as well.

Also went grocery shopping today....what an adventure. Everything gets delivered tomorrow, so that will keep us busy for a while.

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